Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This whole issue of racism is just exhausting......

Everyone wants to claim they're not, and accuse the other "genetic pool" of being so, when in fact, if we would
all dig deep and honestly admit it, there exists that nasty little temptation to be a racist....however, it's whether we give into the temptation to act on it or not that makes the difference.    I grew up most of my years in Mississippi.  Racism was alive and well during those years, but quiet honestly it's worse today from my perspective.  The man who occupies the White House has made sure to fan those flames....sadly, dividing our country with deeper wounds that will take how many more years to heal......if ever.  That being said, I remember
watching the protests, the riots, hearing the words spoken, but felt like an observer rather than a participant.  At the same time, I was amazed at the courage of so many to finally say, "ENOUGH"...we are all created equal.  My parents never talked about other people in terms of the color of their skin........they talked about the content of their character, and the things they did in the world.

I was part of a culture where it was "understood" that there were two groups of people.......the "whites" and the "non-white".  When I was in elementary school we lived in a tiny town called McComb, Mississippi, and a Lebanese family moved to town.  I do remember hearing my mother talk about this family in a way that made me more curious about them than anything. As it turned out, they had a daughter my age, who was in my class (we had itty bitty classes back then), and although we weren't close friends, I remember her being very sweet....admired her exotic beauty.....and marveled at how smart she was.  I don't remember the color of her skin......I remember her being unique.  It wasn't until years later that I realized, a Lebanese family moving into a tiny little town in the Deep South was definitely a novelty for the long-time residents, and maybe even a little unsettling to some.

Oprah recently made the comment in an interview, that all us "old" white people who grew up being racist (how she knows every white person over a certain age is a racist baffles me) just need to die so racism can go away........and yet, if you look at the history of mankind, it has always existed no matter what, and because human beings seem to have a need to elevate themselves in one way or another above others, I seriously doubt racism will cease to exist -- even if everyone Oprah says is a racist dies today.   In my world making comments like Oprah, only serve to fan the flames higher and hotter.......and to what end?  It's certainly not going to make people feel differently. 

 What ever happened to judging people by the content of their character.......
by what they put into the world.........by the words they spoke to others.........why must it always be the color of someones skin that is the precursor to qualifying how we feel about another person?  I can tell you this.....I went to high school where the Caucasian girls were about as mean as they come.  They made life hell for anyone that wasn't part of their group......so what are you when Caucasians don't like Caucasians?  Oh wait....the politically correct term these days is "bullying"....that's for another blog perhaps....

When I was little my grandmother had a cleaning lady who was African-American.  When I would go to visit my grandmother, the woman was obviously not thrilled, because I'm sure I made more work for her being a little girl.  She would never smile or talk to me......I just remember a very stern face with that look that said, "if you mess this room up you're in big trouble"........and so, I steered clear of her.  I knew I wasn't welcome without a word spoken.  I used the picture here to illustrate a point....it doesn't what matter what color your skin is........when you look at someone like this (and that's pretty much how I remember this lady looking at me!) it scares the bageebers out other people--especially a little kid!

In high school I had a part time job at a pizza restaurant.  All the cooks were black, or African-American (I'm never sure what's politically correct any more, so I apologize if I offended any of you!).  The lead cook was this wonderful
woman named Betty.  I remember her because of her smile, and how sweet she was to virtually everyone.  She had that beautiful Southern drawl, and could just make you feel like you were the most special person in the world when you entered that restaurant.  She was a joy to work with.  I knew when I headed for work, no matter what had gone on during my day, when I got there, Betty would give me a hug, her big smile, and have me laughing in no time.  I looked forward to going because of her.....it was the content of her character that made my menial job a joy.....it was the content of her character that made everyone around her love her.  And, after nearly 50 years, I've not forgotten her name or smile. I'm sure life wasn't easy, because I know working in a place like that probably paid very little, but Betty never let on that life was anything but grand.

Why did I share these two stories?  Both women were black......both women my elders.......both in positions of authority over me, and I never once questioned who they were because of the color of their skin........it was how they treated me that made the world different.  If Betty were still alive today, it would be an honor to have someone like her for a friend.  If the other lady was still alive, I think I'd still be afraid to walk in the room where she was for fear of getting one of those "looks".  It never dawned on me that I should act or treat them differently because we weren't all the same skin tone.......I reacted to "WHO" they were in the world.

The human race has a long history of unwarranted acts of cruelty and terrorism towards one another.  I don't understand it........and I don't want to.  I've just grown weary of politicians, the wealthy elite, Hollywood, the media......or whomever........keeping the flames of racism alive.  When will people start to be honest, and quit pointing their fingers at everyone else, and stop doing what makes this an never ending debate -- that no side will ever win.  When will people grow up, and admit, that we have each been created uniquely by God, with a very special purpose here on earth, and that it is not the color of our skin that makes us better or worse than someone else?  When?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

When is Enough.....Enough?

I read a lot......a lot about the political world, from every point of view that I can, because I see our country being turned into something we no longer recognize.  Growing up, the primary influence in children's lives was our parents, extended family, friends, and if we attended church, those who led the church.  Today, the primary influence seems to have morphed into the latest fad on social media or TV, and/or the politicians telling us what to believe and do.

What happened?  How did this happen.......when did parents relinquish their children to the rest of the world in hopes they turned out okay?  And, when did the people of our country become so "politically correct" that they were brain-washed into believing that those in the government were smarter than the average 5th grader?  That somehow, these "elected officials" have more wisdom and understanding of the world than the average person in America?  When did people start believing that everyone knew what was best for their lives, and the lives of their children, other than themselves?

Are we so busy, so preoccupied with life that we've stopped thinking for ourselves?  Are we so busy
and preoccupied that it's just easier to give in and "go with the flow"?  What happened to hard work, integrity, honesty, perseverance?  What happened to taking a stand for something good and right, instead of caving into the pressure to conform?

I am truly perplexed with our country.  I understand full well that life is not easy.  I understand full well that there are times in all our lives when we just want someone else to take the reigns and be the responsible one........but I can't for the life of me understand walking willingly into a life controlled by an elitist group who have declared themselves the "messiah" of mankind.

Today we have a federal government run amok and totally out of control.  A president who seemingly knows no boundaries as to his true duties and/or limits of power........a Congress who is seemingly
only interested in self-preservation, back-stabbing, self glory and financial gain........and we the American public have allowed this to happen.  We are still allowing them to do whatever them deem "good" for the country.........when will we stand up and say "NO MORE"?  What will it take?

I read another report on the fact that the president (I will not capitalize
"president" because the man who occupies that office does not deserve the dignity of the title) has declared to other nations, and the UN, that by the end of his second term, 2016, America will be a muslim country.  He has worked hard at it.......his administration has been infiltrated on virtually every level with muslims.  Many state, city and county governments have yielded to the demands of the muslims by amending our State Constitutions
and laws to accommodate them.  Their propaganda is everywhere.

I've heard the argument that the muslim "faith" is a "religion of peace".......and yet when you study the Koran.......if you pay attention to what their leaders are saying.......it is anything but that.  It is peaceful when everyone around them has bowed down and agreed to comply with whatever they say is the law that day.  They are peaceful after slaughtering perhaps millions of "infidels" for refusing to join them, or simply that they felt like murdering and torturing entire towns and villages to send a message to others.  They've proclaimed their intentions......to dominate, or eliminate any and all who not of the muslim cult......what part of that is so hard to understand?  What part of that would any thinking man or woman accept?  What part of that is acceptable?

I am certainly not an expert in these matters.  However, having been blessed to be born and raised in the United States of America, I know that we have never been under such intense attack as we have
during these last few years.  I worry what the future will bring for my daughters, and grandchildren.......will there even be an America.........the land of the free and brave?  Will the Patriots of America reach their limit and say "NO MORE" and actually stop the insanity?

The following link is from a blog dedicated to revealing just how horrific the muslim cult is that is working to destroy us all.  It's well worth a few minutes of your time to watch not only this video, but read some of the posts.  Our greatest defense is knowledge and understanding our enemy, and then the willingness to stand up to the destroyers and cast them out........other wise.......I fear we will be lost forever.


Read-->Learn-->Understand........ Sharia Unveiled

About Me.......

Born in College Station, Texas, and raised mostly in Mississippi, to conservative hard-working parents, I have lived my life in pretty much the same fashion.  Not that I didn't have my "wild" days....but now, at my age, my conservatism seems to have taken hold, and pretty much sways my opinions and outlook on life and the events around me.

A few years ago I got interested in my family genealogy because I realized I actually knew very little about my father's side, and absolutely nothing about my mother's side.  I have an uncle who had started the family tree, and my aunt put me in touch with a Scottish cousin who has spent years compiling a tree, but I began my own.  What  a journey it has been, and mind-boggling how many people can fill a family tree!  On one branch of the tree, I've gone back into the 300 AD, and discovered that I am of Viking heritage.  After some more research about the Vikings, I came to the conclusion, that although they were a pretty violent bunch, if you looked deeper, you discovered a race of people who valued honesty, hard work, and perseverance.  They could look fear in the face and challenge it.  That is who and what I want to be remembered for........someone who valued honesty, loyalty, hard work, perseverance against the odds, and the ability to look fear in the face and hit it head on.

I make no apologies for being a conservative.  As I've watched the events in America unfold in front of me, it seems the most sane, intelligent, and logical way to lead my life.  Being conservative doesn't mean I'm a racist (as is the politically correct adjective to apply to conservatives these days).   I believe all people are created by God, equal in His sight, and have grown weary of the social chaos of labeling people one thing or another.  I prefer to form my opinions of people based on their character revealed through their actions and words.  That being said......we all fall short, and yet, have the capacity to rise above that which is detrimental to ourselves and the world around us.  I'm not close-minded, although I'd like to think that simply having lived 62-years, has given me some insight into what is appropriate, and what could be destructive.  I definitely love to learn new things, new ideas, new ways of doing things......however, just because you learn something new, does not make it practical or useful in life. 

My political leanings have changed over the years.  In my youth, I was honestly pretty much oblivious to what went on.  Oh I voted.....well, at least in the presidential elections, but beyond that it just wasn't important.  I think this mentality has unfortunately permeated a lot of my generation, and because of the recent events, we are all waking up, as if from a drugged induced sleep (i.e., our parents made it far too easy to just live life all these years).    I have great concerns about where the administration and those who've been elected are taking us.  For the past fifty or so years, it seems that the federal government has done pretty much whatever it wanted, and as long as it didn't impact our wallets too much, as long as it didn't directly impact our lives, we've let them get away with the ridiculous over legislation and over-spending and squandering of our tax dollars.

I finally get it.......government that is allowed to grow in power and strength beyond the scope which is necessary to protect the nation, will eventually take away our freedoms.  We will be enslaved through legislation "for our own good", and we will be taxed into poverty since it seems the current consensus is that "we the people" need to share our hard earned dollars while those in Washington exempt themselves and continue to grow in wealth and power. 

 "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson