Born in College Station, Texas, and raised mostly in Mississippi, to conservative hard-working parents, I have lived my life in pretty much the same fashion. Not that I didn't have my "wild" days....but now, at my age, my conservatism seems to have taken hold, and pretty much sways my opinions and outlook on life and the events around me.
A few years ago I got interested in my family genealogy because I realized I actually knew very little about my father's side, and absolutely nothing about my mother's side. I have an uncle who had started the family tree, and my aunt put me in touch with a Scottish cousin who has spent years compiling a tree, but I began my own. What a journey it has been, and mind-boggling how many people can fill a family tree! On one branch of the tree, I've gone back into the 300 AD, and discovered that I am of Viking heritage. After some more research about the Vikings, I came to the conclusion, that although they were a pretty violent bunch, if you looked deeper, you discovered a race of people who valued honesty, hard work, and perseverance. They could look fear in the face and challenge it. That is who and what I want to be remembered for........someone who valued honesty, loyalty, hard work, perseverance against the odds, and the ability to look fear in the face and hit it head on.
I make no apologies for being a conservative. As I've watched the events in America unfold in front of me, it seems the most sane, intelligent, and logical way to lead my life. Being conservative doesn't mean I'm a racist (as is the politically correct adjective to apply to conservatives these days). I believe all people are created by God, equal in His sight, and have grown weary of the social chaos of labeling people one thing or another. I prefer to form my opinions of people based on their character revealed through their actions and words. That being said......we all fall short, and yet, have the capacity to rise above that which is detrimental to ourselves and the world around us. I'm not close-minded, although I'd like to think that simply having lived 62-years, has given me some insight into what is appropriate, and what could be destructive. I definitely love to learn new things, new ideas, new ways of doing things......however, just because you learn something new, does not make it practical or useful in life.
My political leanings have changed over the years. In my youth, I was honestly pretty much oblivious to what went on. Oh I voted.....well, at least in the presidential elections, but beyond that it just wasn't important. I think this mentality has unfortunately permeated a lot of my generation, and because of the recent events, we are all waking up, as if from a drugged induced sleep (i.e., our parents made it far too easy to just live life all these years). I have great concerns about where the administration and those who've been elected are taking us. For the past fifty or so years, it seems that the federal government has done pretty much whatever it wanted, and as long as it didn't impact our wallets too much, as long as it didn't directly impact our lives, we've let them get away with the ridiculous over legislation and over-spending and squandering of our tax dollars.
I finally get it.......government that is allowed to grow in power and strength beyond the scope which is necessary to protect the nation, will eventually take away our freedoms. We will be enslaved through legislation "for our own good", and we will be taxed into poverty since it seems the current consensus is that "we the people" need to share our hard earned dollars while those in Washington exempt themselves and continue to grow in wealth and power.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have."
Thomas Jefferson
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