Saturday, November 2, 2013

When is Enough.....Enough?

I read a lot......a lot about the political world, from every point of view that I can, because I see our country being turned into something we no longer recognize.  Growing up, the primary influence in children's lives was our parents, extended family, friends, and if we attended church, those who led the church.  Today, the primary influence seems to have morphed into the latest fad on social media or TV, and/or the politicians telling us what to believe and do.

What happened?  How did this happen.......when did parents relinquish their children to the rest of the world in hopes they turned out okay?  And, when did the people of our country become so "politically correct" that they were brain-washed into believing that those in the government were smarter than the average 5th grader?  That somehow, these "elected officials" have more wisdom and understanding of the world than the average person in America?  When did people start believing that everyone knew what was best for their lives, and the lives of their children, other than themselves?

Are we so busy, so preoccupied with life that we've stopped thinking for ourselves?  Are we so busy
and preoccupied that it's just easier to give in and "go with the flow"?  What happened to hard work, integrity, honesty, perseverance?  What happened to taking a stand for something good and right, instead of caving into the pressure to conform?

I am truly perplexed with our country.  I understand full well that life is not easy.  I understand full well that there are times in all our lives when we just want someone else to take the reigns and be the responsible one........but I can't for the life of me understand walking willingly into a life controlled by an elitist group who have declared themselves the "messiah" of mankind.

Today we have a federal government run amok and totally out of control.  A president who seemingly knows no boundaries as to his true duties and/or limits of power........a Congress who is seemingly
only interested in self-preservation, back-stabbing, self glory and financial gain........and we the American public have allowed this to happen.  We are still allowing them to do whatever them deem "good" for the country.........when will we stand up and say "NO MORE"?  What will it take?

I read another report on the fact that the president (I will not capitalize
"president" because the man who occupies that office does not deserve the dignity of the title) has declared to other nations, and the UN, that by the end of his second term, 2016, America will be a muslim country.  He has worked hard at it.......his administration has been infiltrated on virtually every level with muslims.  Many state, city and county governments have yielded to the demands of the muslims by amending our State Constitutions
and laws to accommodate them.  Their propaganda is everywhere.

I've heard the argument that the muslim "faith" is a "religion of peace".......and yet when you study the Koran.......if you pay attention to what their leaders are is anything but that.  It is peaceful when everyone around them has bowed down and agreed to comply with whatever they say is the law that day.  They are peaceful after slaughtering perhaps millions of "infidels" for refusing to join them, or simply that they felt like murdering and torturing entire towns and villages to send a message to others.  They've proclaimed their dominate, or eliminate any and all who not of the muslim cult......what part of that is so hard to understand?  What part of that would any thinking man or woman accept?  What part of that is acceptable?

I am certainly not an expert in these matters.  However, having been blessed to be born and raised in the United States of America, I know that we have never been under such intense attack as we have
during these last few years.  I worry what the future will bring for my daughters, and grandchildren.......will there even be an America.........the land of the free and brave?  Will the Patriots of America reach their limit and say "NO MORE" and actually stop the insanity?

The following link is from a blog dedicated to revealing just how horrific the muslim cult is that is working to destroy us all.  It's well worth a few minutes of your time to watch not only this video, but read some of the posts.  Our greatest defense is knowledge and understanding our enemy, and then the willingness to stand up to the destroyers and cast them out........other wise.......I fear we will be lost forever.

Read-->Learn-->Understand........ Sharia Unveiled

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